How to Comply With Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation

Direct Objective Consulting CASL DOs and DON'Ts
Modern B2B Marketing to fill up your sales funnel | Canada

How to Comply with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL): DOs and DON'Ts Checklist​

Direct Objective Consulting CASL DOs and DON'Ts

July 1st is not only Canada Day but also the day Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) comes into effect. The law has been described by some as the most stringent anti-spam legislation in the world. The CBC recently reported that according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), most small-medium businesses are still unprepared to apply the new legislation. Help your company prepare for the implementation of the new regulation by following these 5 steps:


1. Verify Whether You Have Received Express Consent From Your Canadian Contacts

CASL deals with two types of consent:

    • Express consent: a recipient explicitly asks to receive your commercial electronic messages (CEMs). This expires only when an unsubscribe request is received;
    • Implied consent: a relationship exists but the recipient has not explicitly asked to receive CEMs. This, on the other hand, expires after 24 months.

2. Ensure That All Your Electronic Communications Are Compliant With CASL

Every CEM you send must:

(1) Be sent with consent of the recipient;

(2) Clearly identify the sender; and

(3) Provide an unsubscribe mechanism.


3. Define a Plan to Gradually Build Express Consent From Your Canadian Contacts

You have a period of three years to ask for express consent from your existing business relationships. Implement a plan to gain their consent to ensure you can continue to send them CEMs.


4. Keep a Database to Monitor Express and Implied Consent

In order to comply with the Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), maintain a centralized database to keep track of your contacts and their levels of consent. You must be able to prove consent by providing the following information:

    • What type of consent was obtained;
    • When it was obtained;
    • The context in which it was obtained.

5. Educate Your Team About the DOs and DON'Ts of CASL and Enforce New Policies

It is critical that your employees be fully aware of the new Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation regulations, implications, and risks. Learn more with our CASL DOs and DON’Ts document.

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“Ranking our Web site high on search engines results, designing a professional Web site look and developing engaging relevant content for a heavy technology company like us resulted in a dramatic increase in client leads that we receive from our Web site.”

Simon Robin CEO, Hardent

Bulk Email Marketing Campaigns

Bulk email marketing

Bulk Email Marketing Campaigns:
5 Reasons Subscribers Think You Are Spamming Them

Bulk email marketing

Bulk email marketing can be one of the best ways to reach prospects. However, bulk email campaigns can also be one of the worst ways of promoting a company if it is not done properly. Nobody likes to be bombarded with spam, and your company’s reputation will suffer considerably if you are perceived as a spammer sending unwanted emails. Sometimes clients come to me concerned that their campaigns will be perceived as spam- it certainly doesn’t have to be that way.

So what are some of the reasons that email recipients would perceive your email marketing as spam?

1) No Opt-In Program. It is important to get permission before sending an email  campaign.

2) Content Mismatch. Your newsletter content is completely irrelevant and does not interest the contacts on your email list, or you send emails so often that recipients are overwhelmed and lose interest.

3) Use of Spam Words. Your newsletter content features certain words or terms that set off spam filters. Multiple exclamation points, capitalized words, and terms like “free” in the subject line are a surefire way to get sent straight to the junk folder.

4) Unprofessional Look & Feel. The use of a less-than-professional design can get your email campaigns into trouble.

5) Poor CAN-SPAM compliance. MOST importantly, you will likely be perceived as a spammer if you do not comply with CAN-SPAM. CAN-SPAM is a law that establishes the requirements for commercial messages and gives recipients the right to unsubscribe to email campaigns. Read more on CAN-SPAM email regulations. We are seeing the same in Canada with the lec electronic commerce protection act or as it is commonly called CASL (Canadian Anti-SPAM Legislation). Failing to follow these regulations  means you will incur some tough penalties.

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If you have challenges with your email marketing, contact us to assess why they are perceived as spam or download the document CASL: DOs & DON’Ts.


“Ranking our Web site high on search engines results, designing a professional Web site look and developing engaging relevant content for a heavy technology company like us resulted in a dramatic increase in client leads that we receive from our Web site.”

Simon Robin CEO, Hardent

More on HTML Newsletter Marketing

Marketing newsletters

Background on Email Newsletter Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing newsletters

In my last blog, I talked about the difference between blog marketing and email newsletter marketing. While blogs are pretty straightforward once you get the hang of content, it’s worth revisiting the topic of html newsletters. Newsletters require a mailing list, an attractive design, and a good marketing automation application for mass emailing. Unlike blogs, you have the ability to review in-depth statistical information from the recipients of your newsletters. An automation tool will tell you how many people opened the newsletter, how many clicked on the newsletter links, which links they clicked on, and how many unsubscribed from the mailing list. This is all very valuable information, which can be used to maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing.

Knowing who opened your last email newsletter, for instance, may prompt you to send a follow-up newsletter campaign to those interested recipients. Or, if only a few recipients opened the newsletter, you may choose to modify the subject line next time. If one of your links garnered more clicks than another, that will indicate where to invest your resources for later newsletters.

Newsletter marketing requires quality contact email lists. You can build lists from lead generation campaigns, but they must be kept up-current. It helps to personalize newsletters with dynamic content—for instance, an email can be coded to address itself to individual recipients. Rather than having a generic campaign, each newsletter will be tailored to each recipient. This kind of practice increases response rates and improves the success of each email campaign.

It’s important not to over-send email newsletters or campaigns as this can irritate recipients. In keeping with this line of thinking, it’s best to keep newsletters brief and save the content for your business blog instead. You’ll see more recipients clicking the links in your newsletter if they don’t have to wade through excessive content to find it.

Successful newsletters require commitment and patience, but they are proven to yield results. Email campaigns will increase traffic to your website and blog. They will increase awareness, offer an avenue for branding and promotion, and are a good way to stay on the radar of prospects.

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Are you ready to get started with your company’s email newsletter? Contact Direct Objective to make the most out of your newsletter marketing.


“Ranking our Web site high on search engines results, designing a professional Web site look and developing engaging relevant content for a heavy technology company like us resulted in a dramatic increase in client leads that we receive from our Web site.”

Simon Robin CEO, Hardent

Business Blog Writing & Email Newsletters

Blog vs newsletter

Email Newsletter Marketing and Business Blog Writing : What’s the Difference?

Blog vs newsletter

Html email newsletters and business blog writing  are great ways to remind prospects of your company’s presence. By maintaining the awareness of prospects, you significantly increase the likelihood that they will become clients. So which should you use? Strive to have both, as business blogs and email newsletters marketing can often work in tandem. Business blogs have quite different content from Html email newsletters and it is important to understand the difference:


Business Blog Writing

Business blogs are an opportunity to lay out an opinion on any given subject and weigh in on industry news or trends. Business blogs are usually brief, concise, and informative, teaching readers about a single topic. A blog will let you educate readers about new concepts and trends that you would like to introduce to the market. They are valuable because they reflect the personal attitude and experience of the blog writer themselves, and are a great way to build trust and credibility. With relevant content and well-written blog writeup, you can encourage regular visitors to read your thoughts on your business blog.

Good blog copy is not always easy, and a business blog can be time-consuming and difficult to maintain. For one, blog writers must take into account Search Engine Optimization practices. By infusing relevant keywords, a business blog will rank high on search engines and generate a high amount of traffic, provided the blog is well integrated into your site.

Still, even with good search engine ranking, audiences only read business blogs when they want to. You have to entice them to subscribe to your blog so that they will read it regularly. Writing business blogs is a commitment and thus, many companies outsource their business blog writing to a marketing company. Companies will typically come up with the subject, decide their stance, and choose how they would like to present it. The actual write-up is performed by a professional marketing copywriter.


HTML Email Newsletter Marketing

Html email newsletter marketing is perfect for a company requiring a long sales cycle. If your buyer needs time and information before deciding to go with your company, it’s important to remain in contact with this prospect. Html email newsletters shed light on the offering and support decision-makers in being more knowledgeable over time. Over the long-term, email newsletter marketing will reinforce to decision-makers that yours is the right service/product for them. Otherwise, prospects may visit your site, but never return. If they subscribe to your html email newsletter, there’s a constant reminder to read your business blog, or look at new web content. The result will cement your credibility and expertise.

Html email newsletters, as opposed to blogs, are not so much about broadcasting personal opinions as they are about keeping in contact with existing clients, distribution channels, and prospects. Email newsletter marketing is an easy way to keep clients abreast of what is going on in your company as well as current industry news. When you update your business blog, make changes to your website, or come out with a new product, a great way to let prospects know is through email newsletter marketing. If you acquire a prestigious client, receive an award, or recruit a new staff member, you can also inform your target audience with email newsletter marketing.

While the content of email newsletter marketing is all about what is newsworthy, it is crucial that an html email newsletter is properly written with an aesthetic appeal. The subject line has to be tantalizing but clear. To avoid having your email intercepted as spam, the body of the email must avoid using certain words which will surely send your html email newsletter straight to the junk folder.

Last but not least, if your company intends to send out monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly newsletters, you need to make sure that you are delivering these on time. Some companies may outsource their email newsletter along with their blog. This way everything is sent out regularly with content that will increase traffic to the business blog.

Blog writing and email newsletters build trust. Want to stay in the forefront of prospects’ minds? Ask yourself whether it might be worthwhile to maintain a business blog and/or invest in a regular email newsletter now. Read more about email newsletters in my next blog.

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The above-mentioned marketing consulting and lead generation services are how our B2B marketing agency accompanies organizations in their quest to grow. Contact us today and allow us to look at your specific marketing challenges and suggest how we can assist you specifically.


“Ranking our Web site high on search engines results, designing a professional Web site look and developing engaging relevant content for a heavy technology company like us resulted in a dramatic increase in client leads that we receive from our Web site.”

Simon Robin CEO, Hardent