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Online webinars are more than just a replacement for live traditional seminars – they also fit into marketing lead generation programs. When prospective clients are invited to participate in free webinars, they are generally asked to provide their contact information. The result is a pool of contact leads with a specific interest level in what a company offers. In this way, a webinar not only educates the market, but it compiles leads that can be used in future marketing lead generation programs, such as email campaigns.
A webinar is a Web seminar held over the internet. It comes in many forms. An online presentation can be broadcast live or pre-recorded, it can be held one-on-one, or it can take the form of a communal Web presentation seminar. Such broadcasted seminars often take the place of live traditional conferences. Over the years, companies have increasingly begun to use webinars as part of their marketing lead generation strategy.
Aside from the use of technology, an online presentation differs from traditional seminars by eliminating many of the interpersonal aspects of in-person conferences. There is no eye contact, and no immediate feedback such as laughter or applause. Audience members can easily stop watching an online webinar by clicking a single button or shutting their laptop screen. In contrast, it’s much less likely people will walk out of a traditional seminar. Still, a webinar can address a farther reaching audience than most seminars, and provide you with better measurements of the quality of your presentation and the level of engagement of the attendees.
Online webinars have many benefits over traditional seminars. Here are some:
While traditional seminars are limited by geography and timezones, webinars can reach audiences anywhere in the world, provided that an internet connection is available.
A webinar is a simple means of market education and can teach many prospects about the need for a product or service in one go. Market education is a critical part of any unified marketing plan.
Event costs can be quite pricey, but a digital presentation is comparatively inexpensive to hold and doesn’t require a physical venue. As a result, we can avoid costs such as venue hire, staffing, food, and stationary provisions.
Web seminars are easy to coordinate and make the interaction between parties simple as LinkedIn networking can become more fluid. Additionally, Q&A information is more transparent in comments sections after viewing a webinar.
Webinars take a lot of planning and organization to be effective marketing tools. Here are a few reasons you should consider hiring a professional to implement webinar best practices for your online presentation:
Discuss with Direct Objective how we can assist you in preparing for your online webinars, develop your online presentation based on common webinar best practices, and acquire qualified prospective customers!
“I’ve had the privilege of working with Gil as he was our guest speaker at one of our CEDEC SBSN workshops. Gil is an individual with many accomplishments yet remains a well-grounded and down to earth. He is without question a pragmatic leader and realist who seems to grasp ideas holistically whilst still taking note to the more acute details. His ingenuity for marketing gives him the ability to explore and understand nearly all possible perspectives to an idea and its numerous applications. He defines hard work and it will be an added asset to any organization to have him onboard.”
Farid Charles, Co-Founder, Better Than YesterdayResources
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